Saturday, June 11, 2011

How to access WSDL from weblogic server ?

This was one of the question that was posted a a use in Oracle Forum. If you are also looking for the similar one here is the solution:

In Weblogic server .. go to Home >Summary of Deployments
Expand your service application and go the webservice.. click on the web service link ..
You will be navigated to its details.. then click on Testing.. expand the service..

Here you should see WSDL link and Test Client link.. using test client you can even test your web service method.


  1. Hi,
    I have one problem when I test fromt the weblogic server the webservice is tested successfully, how can I test from this webservice from the internet browser. If I run it's reply
    The WSDL file url is given below.
    Implementation class: Printfile.appPrint

  2. Syed, I was not able to access your link but I didn't what are you trying to achieve?
